Citizenship – ESDI – Malta Citizenship

Maltese Citizenship by Direct Investment ESDI     The Granting of Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment is regulated by the Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations (S.L. 188.06). The Regulations...

Citizenship – Registration

Citizeship by Registration We advise and assist individuals entitled to register themselves by way of marriage and decent so that they may be granted Maltese citizenship. Our legal advisor is available to: Guide applicants on preparing the necessary documentation and...

Citizenship – Birth

Citizenship by Birth As from 1st August 1989 a person born in Malta becomes a Maltese citizen if: at the time of birth, his/her father or mother was a citizen of Malta or a person born in Malta (of a parent likewise born in Malta if born before 21st September 1964)...

Citizenship – Naturalisation

Citizenship by Naturalisation Malta’s laws allow for a person to attain citizenship by way of naturalisation on the basis of either of the underlying connections. Oathbound Consultancy is experienced in: advising our clients in determining the route of eligibility...

Citizenship – Landing Page

Citizenship Citizenship is understood to be a lasting bond between an individual and a state. While a citizen may expect to be entitled to rights, privileges and protection from the nation, they are bound to dutifully serve and uphold their allegiance to the same....